鹿の捕獲 ⇒ 農家を獣害から守る
⇒ 猟師の生活の安定。
鹿肉処理場 ⇒ 安全な鹿肉の提供
・低カロリー = 牛肉の3分の1
・低脂肪 = 牛肉の86分の1
・高タンパク =鶏のささみと同等のタンパク質
・鉄分豊富 =レバーや貝と同等
・Lカルニチン豊富 =豚肉の8倍。脂肪燃焼、疲労回復
・DHC豊富 =四足動物でもっとも魚と近い量
the menu is
1. Salad of deer leg meat.
2.Saute of deer leg meat
3. Fibrous meat Stew
This is Salad of deer meat. normally we put together with veg.
The meat looks pink but it is well boiled. and It was easy to chew.
It's all about deer
Recently I had a class for gibier.
It is becoming specialty of this region.
The gibier is cuisine of wild animal like deer, wild boar and so on.
Especially in Europe, it is famous in autumn.
This time I learned about how they catch, and how they process animal to edible meat, and at last, the special chef cook some meat for us. and he gave us lecture what is important when you cook.
The deer made serious damage on the farmer's field around here.
so, hunting and eating them are good for farmer and also hunter's life.
Why we had better go through the processing plant ?
because the hunter himself doesn't know good way to slaughter them and also
what makes wild animal meat stink.
If we use meat from these processing plant, we will get safe and good taking-care meat.
In the end, it makes hunter's life richly.
The reason the gibier is good
1.Low calory - 1/3 of beef
2.Low fat - 1/86 of beef
3.high protein - as same as white meat
4.Rich iron - as same as liver
5.Rich High-carnitine - 8 times of pork. It is good for fat burning, and recovery from exhaustion.
6.Lots of DHC - as almost same as fish
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